
What is static ram used for
What is static ram used for

The operating system controls the usage of this memory. Its objective is to store data and applications that are currently in use. This differentiates RAM from storage devices such as tapes or hard drives where the data is accessed sequentially. For a memory to be called random access, it should be possible to access any address at any time. The term Random Access Memory or RAM is typically used to refer to memory that is easily read from and written to by the microprocessor. The stored value on the capacitors contributes to discharge with time and thus, the capacitors should be regularly recharged through stimulating the dynamic memory. The capacitors are made available inside the chip by Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) transistors. Dynamic − It saves the binary data in the structure of electric charges that are used to capacitors.The static RAM is simple to use and has smaller read and write cycles. The stored data remains solid considering power is provided to the unit. Static − It consists of internal flip-flops, which store the binary information.Integrated circuit Random Access Memory (RAM) chips are applicable in two possible operating modes are as follows − The technology that makes the main memory work is based on semiconductor integrated circuits. It is associatively large and quick memory and saves programs and information during computer operations. The main memory is the fundamental storage unit in a computer system.

What is static ram used for